Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Brace face

Today Alyssa got Braces, she will have them on for 18 months. She got blue and purple bands to put on them. Each time she goes in she can put on different colors, so maybe for Feb. she will have red and pink. Her mouth will be sore for a alittle while


We bought Alyssa a dress for the Airforce ball her friend had invited Alyssa and another friend, they had a great time they had dinner and dancing.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

We already opened the presents and had Christmas dinner wow! how everything went fast. The kids were so excited to open their presents, Kath and Sonja got some DS games for their new nintendo system and some new clothes. Alyssa got a new Ipod she was so happy.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Concert day

I fixed up Sonja for her christmas concert at school they got to wear winter attire so I put a scarf on her, she loved the scarf.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nutcracker Ballet

We had a wonderful time watching the Nutcracker Ballet some of our Girl Scout troop got together and we all met up there, we have never watched it live, those dancers did a wonderful job very professional, it was at the Denver Opera house.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gingerbread house

The Girls have been wanting to do a Gingerbread house so I bought one, they had fun working on it themselves they came up with their own design.

Monday, December 1, 2008


The girls were having a snow ball fight in the storm, they were really wet and cold when they came in, Alyssa's friend Lauren and maddie which didn't get in the picture came over to play video games with Alyssa.

Winter Storm

We had our first winter storm on Sunday, we got about 8-9 inches at our place, some area's around town didn't get hardly anything, kind of weird how the springs works that way it has crazy weather!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


After Thanksgiving we wanted to do something, so we thought we would go bowling we all haven't been bowling in awhile, it turned out to be alot of fun.

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a nice Thanksgiving with Birgit she got a chance to fly down to visit us. We bought a Honey baked ham it sure was good.

Friday, November 21, 2008


This morning we had a beautiful morning of frost the trees all looked so pretty, Sonja and I said it felt like christmas time as everything was white.

Aren't they cute

Gerd took the Girls up to a Alpaca farm last weekend as I had to work, they had a fun time feeding and petting the Alpaca's. Did you know Alpacas are considerably smaller than llamas.

Monday, November 3, 2008

McCain - Palin tradition

Guess who helped us celebrate the McCain - Palin tradition at the rally the day before the election ?? Hank Williams Jr! Almost as great as being able to see and listen to Govenor Palin.

Trick or Treat

Cheetah Girl Sonja asks, "trick or treat??"

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Golden Aspens

We took a scenic drive today to see the fall colors before it ends, it was such a nice warm day, we climbed a little to get this picture.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

News Station

Today we got a chance to take a tour of a local news station, Alyssa has an interest for Broadcasting so thought she would enjoy it. Kath and Sonja enjoyed it to. We got a chance to sit through the noon hour news, it was very different being behind the scene. They all were very nice, the weather lady gave us alot of info for Alyssa, the weather was fun to watch as she just has a green screen behind her, the girls also got to practice doing the weather. Alyssa asked the news anchors if they have met any famous people one said she had met Matthew McConaughey.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Codi is over 3 years old now she has grown alot, she was being really good for this picture.

Bad Hair Day

The Girls were having fun playing outside, our weather has been unusually warm, I thought it was so funny with their hair sticking up it made for a funny picture.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Here's my little flower garden I did this summer the flowers all did good, I planted the morning glories from seed.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Blue Belt

Today Sonja earned her Blue belt, She worked real hard to get it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Anime Convention

Alyssa and her Best friend Lauren went to the Anime convention in Denver they have went the past 2 years. Alyssa got her outfit over the internet it's a school girl uniform they wore in Japan. They had alot of fun there seeing all the interesting outifts.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

John & Cindy McCain and Sarah

Here their saying their farewells as they are off to Albuquerque New Mexico, Gerd took this picture he got a good view as he's taller, it was hard to see them if you have someone tall in front of you.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

McCain and Palin Rally

The girls were enjoying waving their flags at the rally, it was warm out that day and we had to wait awhile for them to arrive, there were Thirteen thousand people that came to support John McCain.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Katharyn and Sonja went with their Girlscout troop to spend the weekend in the mountains at a Girl scout camp, they stayed in cabins which made it nice as it gets cold up there, they had a bad Hail storm when they were there.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Katharyn starts 6th grade

Katharyn was alittle nervous starting middle school as she has more classes and teachers, she also gets to ride a bus so she enjoys that.

Sonja Starts 5th grade

Sonja was excited to start school, she has Katharyn's teacher from last year.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sonja in Yellowstone

Sonja had fun with Auntie and Uncle Lynn on a visit to Yellowstone, along with Sven and Elena that came for a visit from Germany.

Monday, August 18, 2008

San Juan Island

We got a chance to visit the San Juan Islands, we went to Friday Harbor which is the last one these Islands are across from Victoria.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Robot Girls

The Girls had fun in Leavenworth at the hat shop.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Yellowstone Park

Sonja had a chance to go to Yellowstone with Auntie Birgit and Uncle Lynn she had alot of fun.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy 10th

Sonja had a birthday this month Oma made a wonderful cake, she turns 10.


We visited the first Starbucks in Seattle when we went there for a visit.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Big one

Lynn took Gerd and Sven out fishing they caught a 15 pound Salmon.

Camping Trip

We had a fun time camping in Idaho, Aunt Sue came to visit for the day we all had a fun time.

Monday, June 30, 2008


The Cherry season has started Oma and Opa and the girls are helping oma sell them.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mom and Lisa

Today is Father's day the families got together for a BBQ at the Betz farm. My mom and I had a picture taken under their arbor.

Lisa and the girls

The girls and I went for a trip to Washington state in June and July to visit family, while there they got a new build a bear from Auntie Birgit.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Bronze Award

Katharyn earned her Bronze award which is the highest earned award for Junior scouts ages 8 to 11, can earn. Her project was helping a family that had nothing, they moved here from another state the girls helped paint their bedrooms for the children and helped collected items for the family.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bolder Boulder

Gerd did a 10k run up in Boulder, CO over Memorial weekend, so we made a trip up there as a family to check things out and to have fun.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Enjoying it

Katharyn is enjoying her horse lessons, she has now learned to trot on Billy Bob.


The girls got a picture with one of the Thunderbird pilots.


Gerd re-enlisted with the Thunderbirds, it was a neat thing as many people haven't done it this way.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Running the Colorado Half-Marathon

Here I am running the Colorado Half-Marathon in Ft. Collins, this is at the 12 mile point and I was definitiely feeling the burn!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Brushing the horse

A big part is brushing the horse, so Nancy showed them what to use, they still have their winter coat so right now the horses are shedding.

Horse Lessons

Katharyn started her first horse lesson, they started with the basics. They got a chance to walk with the horse. The lessons go for 4 weeks.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

purple belt

Sonja earned her purple belt, she worked really hard to get it.