Monday, June 30, 2008


The Cherry season has started Oma and Opa and the girls are helping oma sell them.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mom and Lisa

Today is Father's day the families got together for a BBQ at the Betz farm. My mom and I had a picture taken under their arbor.

Lisa and the girls

The girls and I went for a trip to Washington state in June and July to visit family, while there they got a new build a bear from Auntie Birgit.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Bronze Award

Katharyn earned her Bronze award which is the highest earned award for Junior scouts ages 8 to 11, can earn. Her project was helping a family that had nothing, they moved here from another state the girls helped paint their bedrooms for the children and helped collected items for the family.