Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Brace face

Today Alyssa got Braces, she will have them on for 18 months. She got blue and purple bands to put on them. Each time she goes in she can put on different colors, so maybe for Feb. she will have red and pink. Her mouth will be sore for a alittle while


We bought Alyssa a dress for the Airforce ball her friend had invited Alyssa and another friend, they had a great time they had dinner and dancing.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

We already opened the presents and had Christmas dinner wow! how everything went fast. The kids were so excited to open their presents, Kath and Sonja got some DS games for their new nintendo system and some new clothes. Alyssa got a new Ipod she was so happy.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Concert day

I fixed up Sonja for her christmas concert at school they got to wear winter attire so I put a scarf on her, she loved the scarf.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nutcracker Ballet

We had a wonderful time watching the Nutcracker Ballet some of our Girl Scout troop got together and we all met up there, we have never watched it live, those dancers did a wonderful job very professional, it was at the Denver Opera house.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gingerbread house

The Girls have been wanting to do a Gingerbread house so I bought one, they had fun working on it themselves they came up with their own design.

Monday, December 1, 2008


The girls were having a snow ball fight in the storm, they were really wet and cold when they came in, Alyssa's friend Lauren and maddie which didn't get in the picture came over to play video games with Alyssa.

Winter Storm

We had our first winter storm on Sunday, we got about 8-9 inches at our place, some area's around town didn't get hardly anything, kind of weird how the springs works that way it has crazy weather!!